If you are preparing to apply for the Google Ads grant program, this video will give you information about the overall account. In this video, I show you how to setup the “expert” mode for Google Ads Grant. This video is not for Google Ads Smart Campaign creation. You will find comprehensive information about setting up, structuring, and understanding the key compliance issues for the Google Ads Grant program. I also provide slide notes at the bottom of this video (I originally created this information as a slide deck).
Nonprofit executives, development coordinators, and any one in charge of marketing your nonprofit organization are encouraged to watch the video to determine if Google Ads Grant expert mode will be a viable option. Google Ads experience offers more flexibility in targeting and ad creation than Google Ads Smart Campaigns (formerly Google Ads Express). However the compliance required to maintain the account requires an understanding of Google Ads & Ads Grant policies.
As of April 2019, Google added two additional steps to the Ads Grant approval process (follow link to read new setup process).. Google Ad Grant program changes the application process constantly. Please see UPDATED ACTIVATION GUIDE. The changes are not noted in the video, as the video pre-dates the Google Ads Grant setup changes. The process to setup the account has changed slightly as well.
Now you are required to:
- Take a pre-qualification survey
Complete the Ads Grant training survey
Someone within your nonprofit will take on the on-going responsibility, so make sure the person is well versed in the program policies. Also make weekly monitoring of the account a priority. The account can fall into non-compliance very easily without oversight.
This is part 2 of 3 of the series. Part 3 of the video series will show you the actual account setup process.
It maybe easier to see notes in PDF, as closed caption:
This is the second part of -“How To Setup A Google Ads Grant For Nonprofits”. Today we will look at what it takes to set up your Google Ads Grant account.
What’s NetSquared were NetSquared?
NetSquared is a monthly meet up group held by volunteers, such as myself, to present various topics about nonprofit around nonprofit technology. NetSquared is a program of TechSoup Global.
The mission of the NetSquared is to mobilize technology and communities for social change. So this is a monthly meet up, and we’re gonna just meet every month, and you guys can have some input in terms of topics that you want to discuss over the next year.
NetSquared is a global network, they’re over 120 groups in 41 countries, and this number grows every day, so NetSquared continues to increase in the number of groups. Some of the social hash hashtag for the Memphis group are #Net2Memphis #NetSquaredmemphis #Tech4GoodMemphis. If you’re on Twitter, please by follow the us. We don’t currently have a website or a social media page set up at this time, but it’s the group grows that will change for right now. You can view follow NetSquared Memphis on Twitter or Facebook. You can also get updates via meetup.com or netsquaredmemphis.org.
If you want to subscribe or see what the global community is doing, you could go to Facebook and search NetSquared Memphis, and that is where every all of the group’s post any general information that needs to be seen. So if there’s some group topics that you guys see that another group is doing and you want to have those in Memphis, by all means, post those on meetup.com and we can try to get those scheduled here within the next year.
The meet up time are meeting times are scheduled for the last Thursday of every month at the University of Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology. We are scheduled to meet in room 225. If that changes, I will post notifications to meetup.com. It’s where right now I’m gonna be posting all the information that’s relevant to he group and to just keep the group organized that way.
If you need more information about the group, then you could go to netsquared.org. Or you can go to, uh, meet up.comback slash neck squared Dash Memphis. Any group notifications or, if you wanna provide feedback, do all that on me up.comfor right now, until we can get a more established way. This handle all of the feedback that comes through.
Okay, So Tech Soup? What do they offer?
If you’ve already created your account with Tech Soup, they have a vast array of software programs. You have access to software, including QuickBooks, QuickBooks for nonprofits, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe, Bit Defender, Norton Antivirus.
You have also gain access to the Google Ad Grant program via the Tech Soup verification program. You will only do your verification process through Tech Soup. You will not do the full approval process for Google Ad grants and Google for Nonprofit from Tech Soup. That’s all handled by Google.
So just remember that that some of these programs have different ways to verify you client.
Like I stated, Tech Soup is our major sponsor, along with the FedEx Institute, who has graciously donated us a room. I’m your presenter and your co host of this Meet up Jodie Mason. I’m a digital media media consultant specializing in Google Ad Grant. I have a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Memphis. I’m also hold a Google Ads Search certification from Google. I am also Google Analytics individually qualified.
Creating the Google Ad Grant Account
Creating your Google Ad Grant account. You’re need go to https://www.google.com/nonprofits/. You’re not gonna go through the normal channels of going through ads.google.com. Don’t do that or you will setup a regular Google Ad account. Google Ad Grant changes their activation process without notification. Please see Google Ad Grant Documentation information.
You can use the account creation Guide that’s in the support network for ads grant to you and start to account that way. There are two types of accounts that Google ads, currently offers. One is the Google Ad (expert mode), which is a regular account. Then there’s Google Ads Express (now called Google Ads Smart Campaigns).
The Google Ads expert mode offers more control of your messages and targeting. However, this requires more time to manage, so you’re will need at least 2 to 3 hours a week to manage your Google Ads Grant account. As it grows, that number will probably grow along with it.
So for optimization purposes, I would say in the beginning one or two hours a week. If you only have a few campaigns, maybe 1 to 3 campaigns with maybe five ad groups as that grows and you have more campaigns, your will need more hours. That number will increase significantly with Google ads.
If you plan to go expert mode, you must meet all of the Google Ads Grant policies. Google manages nothing for you. You will have to meet all of the compliance rules and regulations on top of the regular Google ads policies, but you get better control of the nonprofits voice and message plus better geo-targeting.
If you can’t meet the compliance requirements with Google Ads Grant account, you do have the option to use Google Ads express (Google Smart campaigns), which Google automates for you. You don’t have to me to the compliance with all of the compliance that goes in with full Google ads account. You will pick. The only thing you will do is pick your audience. With Smart campaigns you:
- Write three lines of text.
- Tell Google your industry.
- Set your daily budgets and Google Ads Express will do the rest for you.
So if you don’t have the capacity in house to manage a Google Ad Grant account, but want something low maintenance and don’t have 2 to 3 hours per week to manage a Google ads account, the Google ads express account (Google Smart Campaigns) is an option for you.
Where Ads Will Appear & Where Your Ads Will Not Appear With Google Ad Grant
There are restrictions on where your ads will appear. Google Ad Grant accounts only appear in Google Search.
1. You do not have full access to the Google Ads platform.
2. Nonprofit accounts cannot use Google ads Search with partner network. So when you set up your campaigns, there’s a blocks that you’re gonna uncheck that says with Partner Network.
3. You also don’t have access to display advertising. You will also un-check that box is Well, this is not on the power point, but I want to clarify that in this message that I’m sending out today, and I will have that written underneath the power point as well.
4. You don’t have access to YouTube advertising, so don’t try to use that.
5. You don’t have access to the re-marketing or retargeting so you can’t use.
6. There’s an option to use audiences. You can’t use that. Don’t use it at all.
7. You don’t have Google ads shopping you can’t use. It is not an option for Google Ad Grant, so just be aware of that when you get ready to set up your campaigns.
The only place that you’re as will appear is on google.com itself. It will not appear anywhere else. This is a slideshow on you. Let’s look at a search on google.com for “donate to nonprofit organization in New York”. As you can see, there is one-an ad for Cohen’s Children’s Hospital. Donate local Save Children’s lives that came up for this search. This is where your ads will appear.
If you can tell right next to the advertisement, it has the word “Ad”. That is where your account shows. Here’s the other thing about Google Ad Grant Accounts versus a paid account.
If you If your nonprofit is bidding on keywords that for profit organizations are bidding on, you’re at more than likely will appear below the paid at. That’s because paid ads have more consideration than the Google Ads Grant program.
So, remember that when you are checking your stats and you see that your ads are at the bottom of the page with few clicks and a very low click through rate. Even if your quality scores are a 10, a for profit could out rank you in an ad auction. That might be one of the issues that your ads faces.
Is your Website Live? SEO’ed? Have A Good PageSpeed?
Part of the Google Ad Grant process is having a live website, prior to applying. The account must have clear navigation and a good PageSpeed score. Work on your website, prior to your account set up. The website must also have substantial content. It’s important to search engine optimize the website for your nonprofit.
Page speed is extremely important! A bad Pagespeed could cause high bounce rates. Your website must load quickly (under 1 second). You need to do a Google Pagespeed on your website. If it’s anything below a 75 for desktop or below 50 for mobile,then you need to do some work on your website to improve those scores.
You must have a SSL certificate. How an SSL certificate is setup depends on your webhosting environment. You may also incur additional cost a cost an SSL certificate. The cost will also depend on which SSL certificate that your organization chooses to use. So be aware of that, and when you create your ads, you must use https in your ad’s final your URL’s.
Make sure your website is search engine optimized (SEO). If your website is not search engine optimized, then that will cause issues with your quality scores. The use of keywords is dependent upon the quality score. we will get into quality scores a little bit later, and I’ll discuss why that’s important.
Before you set your account up, make sure you don’t have a paid account or another Google Ad Grant account attached to the email that you’re about to use.
Nonprofits organizations are only allowed to have one Google Ad Grant account, so if you’re if you had an account in the past, you will need to go through and have that account reactivated.
If you have a paid account and you are using an email address with the same email address attached, then you will not be able to use the email address for the Ad Grant account. Choose another email address for Google Ad Grant. You cannot use that same email address. It must be a new email address. Email addresses are permanently attached to go at accounts. Just remember that as well. So so that you guys don’t have any issues. And I also provide a link to the Google set up creation.
New Google Ad Grant Application Process ( Not in video or slides)
You will take a short survey prior to applying for Google Ad Grant. Google will review your application. In 3-10 business days, the Google Ad Grant team will send you an activation email or denial email. Follow the instructions within the email, Google Ad Grant team now assigns your Google Ad account. The approval/denial process can take 10-20 business days or more depending on the season.
Billing Information With Google Ad Grant
Once you are approved for your Google grant account, you might see a warning flag to enter billing information. Don’t ever in a billing information. Okay, this is the next thing. Never, ever enter billing information, it will ask you for it, but do not do it. Okay? Make sure your law. Once you enter billing information, the account becomes a paid account. You will have to restart the ad grant process over.
In addition, if the account becomes a paid account, the billee is responsible for all charges incurred on the paid account. NEVER ENTER BILLING INFORMATION!
If you’re doing the full Google Ads experience (expert mode), make sure you are logging into your account at least weekly after campaigns to get running to to ensure that everything continues to work. Check that the ad account is meeting all of the Google Ads Grant policies.
I’m not doing the Google Ads Express creation, but if you want to do that instead of the full Google as experience, I provided that link here as well as how to set that up. What we’re going through today is the Google for Google ads experience and not the express.
Google Ad Grant Account Compliance
This is your account structure under your account(see video). Under your account, you will have multiple campaigns. I’m just showing you one campaign and how that campaign structure looks with Google Ads Grant accounts.
Ad Group and Ad Compliance With Google Ad Grant
• You must have two ad groups. If you can see I have campaign A with A group to each group must have to ads. As you can tell, I have two ad groups under each one of ad groups.
• Each ad group share’s a list of key words, and the key word types are broad match, broad match modifier, phrase match, an exact match.
• Each campaign must also have to site links. You can specify down to the ad group level and even on the account level. But with the Google Ad Grant, they require at least two site links per campaign. So remember this is, well.
• This is not on this power point slide, video, or PDF: Each campaign that you create will divide up the $329 per day budget.
• You can divide the budget however you like, depending on which which campaign is receiving the most impressions or more impressions in building more awareness for your organization. So with this, if you wanted to only specify $50 for one campaign, you could do that, and Google allows you to do that.
Geotargeting with Google Ad Grant
• You must geo-target your ads. If you do not do geo-target your ads, you will be in non-compliance with Google Ad Grant policies. You will receive a non compliance notice via email from Google Ads Grants.
• For Google Ads Grant, geo-targeting you cannot target campaigns to the whole world.
• Target campaigns based at max- based on country. For example, if a majority of your stakeholders are in the US, then only target the US. Only target countries where your nonprofit has an impact. Google Ads allows you to target to zip code or air airport level.
Geo-targeting is very, very fine tuned, and you could do it based on an address radius. And so much more so if you’re a nonprofit only has an impact in the city of Memphis and its surrounding 100 and Miles always figured campaigns more than likely will only need to do the surrounding areas in that 100 mile radius. If your donations come from nap come nationally, then you can target your campaigns nationally. But make sure you’re looking at your click through rates (CTR).
Minimum Click Through Rate With Google Ad Grant
• The CTR must remain above 5%. Your overall click through rates for your filtered keywords remains above 5%.
Bidding & Budget Strategy With Google Ad Grant
• * New accounts (created after April 2019) must use at minimum maximize conversions bid strategy(MCBS). The minimum conversions required for MCBS has been waved for Google Ad Grant accounts. Older accounts may continue to use any bid strategy available. You are required to get one conversion per month.
• If you use any smart bid strategy (Maximize conversion, Return on Ad Spend, Targeted Impression Share), or Targeted CPA, then you are required to have conversion tracking setup on your website. You are out of compliance if you don’t. The creation guide states to set up your campaigns with maximize clicks. However I’m gonna take, I’m gonna say, Don’t do that, but set up manual cost per click if it’s an option, the reason being and not and not any of the other ones, because you’re gonna have maximized clicks, maximize conversions, targeted Cost Per Acquisition. Return on and spend those are smart bid strategies. Smart bid strategies require conversion tracking be set up on your website and in your Google Grant account in order for those to work, and that eventually down the line could be are a compliance issue. If you don’t set those up correctly, we’ll talk about setting those up next time, and I’m gonna make sure I do a video for you guys who are not able to attend to see that video as well again.
• The maximum daily budget that you have is $329 a day. This is based on an average of 30.4 days per month. This is how Google calculates the daily ad spend maximum based on the $10,000.
• Once you’re your ads spend that $329 for the day, then it’s done until the next day. If you spend $329 a 12 by 12 noon, your ads are done. The ad spend restarts at midnight based on the account timezone.
Google Ad Grant Commercial Policy and Charging For Products and Services
• If your organization charges for products or services on and you have ecommerce portion on your website that you make sure that you have a statement on your website standing how those funds are used to support organization.
• No affiliate marketing on your website. No commercial based links. Amazon Smile has been used with some nonprofits. I am not sure if it’s a compliance issue. You must remove ALL affiliate links.
If affiliate marketing is part of your organization’s income strategy, then you will need to evaluate the Google Ad Grant program verse affiliate marketing.
Google Ad Grant Keywords: What You Need to Know
Keyword research is important to the health of your Google Ad Grant account. There are additional compliance rules with keywords.
• Keywords with quality score of a one or two (1 or 2) must be paused.
• Create automated rules to pause keywords with a low quality score.
• No single keywords unless approved by Google or the keywords are on the exclusion list.
• Single keywords that are your own branded keywords, recognized medical and conditions with acronyms are allowed. Please get approval to use these keywords so it does not create a compliance issue (get the keywords white listed).
• No overly generic key words like “best video” “cool eBooks”, “today’s news”, “easy yoga”, or “download games”, for example.
• You must maintain a 5% overall click through rate on your account. The 5% is at the keyword level not your ad group level, not your campaign level.
Periodically check your keyword reports and make sure keywords are meeting the 5%. If the keywords not meeting that 5% you need to pause any low click through rate keywords, so you reach that 5% so start with ones that have 1% click through rate or there’s 0% with 100 impressions. Those need to be paused.
More on Keywords Google Ad Grant – Keywords & Landing Pages
• Your ads, keywords and website may not make claims that promise results after a consultation service or purchase claims on your website must site verifiable references to provide transparency to users.
• Don’t other brands keywords.
• Can’t use people names alone. You must combine the name
• Google is using machine learning technology which means they are moving towards automation. Some of the key technologies behind the scene are: latent semantic indexing and semantic analysis. Latent semantic indexing is complex. Keep word planning tools.
Keyword Planning Tools For Nonprofits
Let’s move to keyword planning. Google Ads has a keyword planning tool that you should use. When you open your account, Google Ads may suggest keywords. However, don’t use those keywords. They more than likely will not fit with your organization or it’s mission. You will also see recommendations. Google Ad’s recommendations are meant to be used by for profit businesses. Most of the recommendations will not help improve your account.
Using Paid Tools For Keyword Research
Paid keyword planning tools such as Spyfu, Moz keyword planning tool, and SEMRush offer the ability to get competitor keyword data and more. If you need an extensive keyword planning tool, then those are three options. However, these cost money (and an investment into using the tools provided by those platforms).
Free Keyword Research Tools For Nonprofits
My favorite go to for keyword research is a thesaurus and dictionary. It’s free, but it requires some creativity. Do a competitive analysis of others ads and see what those other ad creatives look like. You can also pull keywords from their creatives as well. Use Google trends and Google suggests, um, I would use these for campaign and keyword ideas.
Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool
(Google Ad Keyword Planner tool was not in original video, but added here for context).
Once your nonprofit is approved for Google Ad Grant, you get access to Google Ads powerful keyword planning tool. The tool can generate thousands of possible keywords if you enter seed keywords.
The only problem, is that you have to remove irrelevant keywords just to find those that could be a gold mine for your organization. You can also Google Ads Keyword Planner tool to find keywords to search engine optimize landing pages.
Google Search Console For Keyword Research
Google Search Console data is another way to find keywords to use for your Google Ad Grant account. If the organization’s Google Analytics account is linked to Google Search Console, then you can Google Search Console data in Google Analytics. Google analytics is also another way to get a broader understanding of how well your ads are performing in relation to other digital marketing strategies.
Using Google Analytics For Keyword Research
There also a way to track user searches on your on website within Google analytics, and it’s very simple. Tracking your website’s search box is a great way to narrow user search topics. People are visual. Use sensory type keywords if possible. Make a list of call to actions that you can use within your ads. Call to actions will also help when it comes to ad creation.
Google Ads Search Terms Report
Once your campaign start showing impressions and gaining clicks, the search term reports is a gold mine for keyword research. Combine your tools for a solid keyword strategy. The search terms report provides a list of real keywords users used to click through on your ad. You also need to use negative keywords (keywords you don’t want to be searched for in Google Ads).
Using Social Media For Keyword Research For Nonprofits
I like using contextual social media searches. Using social media is a good way to find what is trending and how people are discussing those topics. There is a ton of setup work that usually involves social media APIs, but it’s well worth the expense (because it will cost money).
Moz.com Keyword Explorer Tool
There’s a website called Moz.com, which has a site explorer tool. Again Moz does have a free option. But the paid option is expensive. Moz.com is also one of the leading authorities on SEO. So if you have issues with search engine optimization, then Moz is a tool that can assist with both your SEO and search engine marketing (SEM).
Moz also has white board Friday, which is a great video series to learn more about SEO in one hour per week. White board Friday discusses beginner to advance level SEO.
Match Types, Long Tail Vs Short Tail Keywords
When you first setup your Google Ad Grant campaigns, you want to focus on broad match keywords. Keep in mind that you must maintain a 5% CTR at the keyword level and keywords with low quality scores must be paused.
As the campaign(s) and account grow, narrow keywords to phrase or exact match. Here’s a bit of information about keywords types:
- Broad match keywords don’t have anything around it. So when you enter the keywords just they have no quotation marks – ””, no pluses (+), no parenthesis -(), or brackets [].
- Study Google Ad’s documentation on what a broad match keyword will match. Generally, a broad matched keywords will match similar words (keyword pants or may match shorts or dresses).
- Broad match modifier is like broad match but contains a plus (+) sign. Again read Google Ad’s documentation on broad match modifiers. I will provide a link on broad match modifiers and how those work.
- Phrase match has quotations (“”) around the keyword. Phrase match will Only match the keywords within your within the quotation marks and may add additional words to the phrase.
- Exact match uses brackets ([]) and will exactly match what’s within the brackets (Google has changed this behavior). The user’s search query must match what’s within the bracket happen exactly what is in the that bracket. So you use brackets for your exact match keywords. Exact match keywords will not stray too far from what you have
Long tail keywords are usually keywords with 3 or more words. Some industry leaders may say anything with two or more words is long tail. Long tail keywords are usually better converting keywords and have higher CTR. Long tail keywords are more specific to what a search user (people) are looking for on Google Search.
Let’s Go Back To Latent Semantic Indexing
Latent semantic indexing helps search engines understand content, context, and determine the intent behind user search queries. Users search based on the specific keywords. That is what latent semantic indexing does. Google Search is has become more automated. However, you should create your ads for humans and Google Ads algorithms. Google has become smart, as such we must become smarter.
The process is to understand the intent behind a user’s search on Google. That’s where keyword search is so important. If you see search queries for question, then on your landing page answer the questions. If they are searching for a product or service, then create landing pages based on the user’s needs if your organization offers those services or products.
In SEM, that’s what professionals do all day long. Try to understand user intent and match those needs if possible. Google is trying to get smarter about directing users to relevant and helpful content. The search engine wants to do away with spammy content.
Google Ad Grant – Ode To The Quality Score
Quality scores are one of the most important metrics within a Google Ad Grant account. It was mentioned earlier and will be reiterated here: Quality scores with a 1 or a 2 must be paused. This means the keywords does not match the landing page or the ad. It also means that the predicted CTR is low.
Google Ad Grant accounts need to focus on two primary areas to increase quality scores: 1) landing page experience 2) Ad Relevance.
Here is the reason Google Pagespeed tests are important: a slow website will cause users to bounce. This is a signal for Google Ads about the quality of your website in relation to the search. Google Pagespeed scores are also used as a ranking factor. If the nonprofit’s website landing page experiences is horrible, then you will see user’s bouncing fast and not converting.
The content on the landing page also matters. If the keywords that you are using are not on the landing page, then you will have a very low quality score.
When you write your ads, use relevant keywords within the headlines and description. How you write your ads has a direct effect on the keyword quality score. If you have a low ad relevancy, rewrite your ads.
The third part of a quality score is the expected CTR. Unfortunately, the expected CTR is calculated by Google Ads. There is little known on how this is actually calculated. So, you have very little control over this metric. You do have control over two things you have control over your landing page experience and your ad quality.
Make sure you work out your landing pages to make sure you have you have at least a 75% to 85% Pagespeed score. If, as stated earlier, any keyword with a quality score of one or two has to be paused. This means that if it’s a one or two, there’s very little to no relevancy in terms of your website to that keyword. Okay? Yes.
How You Write Ads Really Does Matter
Google Ads has this thing called dynamic keyword insertion. I would suggest you use that for your ads when you get ready to create them. Dynamic keyword insertion helps ads with quality score. I will link to the instructions on dynamic keyword insertion. Within the ad text, try to use call to action phrases. Let users know what action you want them to take once they visit your website.
Google Ad Grant Account Structure
There are several ad formats available for Google Ad Grant accounts.
1. Responsive ads are also available. I don’t use them because I don’t see the higher click the rate. Usually those are the ones with the lower click through rate dynamic ads.
2. Dynamic ads, (currently has some controversy) allows you to provide Google with a Url or feed of your website. You provide two descriptions and Google Ads automatically creates headlines and keywords. It’s simple, but does not allow a ton of control. My suggestion is, don’t use dynamic ads at this time because a lot of nonprofits head issues with dynamic ads, and that could be a non compliance issue. And you don’t even want to deal with that non compliance issue.
3. Expanded Text allow you to control the marketing message as you see fit. However, there are character limits and you need to get a ton of information within the headlines and descriptions as possible. Every space, character, and punctuation count.
Conversions With Google Ad Grant: It can be painful or simple.
There are three ways to set up Google tracking conversion. There’s Google, Ad pixels, Google tag manager, and Google Analytics. We’re not going to discuss conversion tracking today. There’s just gonna be saved for our third installment of the Google ads grant for April, so make sure you attend that group is well, okay, we’ve been over requirements and I think we’ve pretty much got it.
How to Get Google Ad Grant
Nonprofits must be approved for the Google for Nonprofit program to start the application process for Google Ad Grant. If you have not been approved for Google for Nonprofit or completed the Tech Soup validation, you need to make sure you do those steps first.
So what’s next? During the next session, we’ll discuss conversion, tracking and how to set it up types of conversions and how to use Google Analytics to track those conversions. So the over the next month, I want you to take the time to get your approval process for your Google A grant and begin running ads. Come up with two different campaigns. Three campaigns you should not create out the box are: donations event ticket sales, and volunteer. Those campaigns require conversion tracking, and it will be extremely difficulty to get impressions. The ad categories are competitive among nonprofits. You will not be able to gain traction without conversion tracking.
Things To Do Before Creating Ads
Your first step before creating ads or doing keyword research, is to understand what goals you want to accomplish with each campaign. After setting key performance indicators, start the initial keyword research for your first campaigns.
Also do competitive analysis on the keywords you plan to use. Understand who is ranking for both Google Ads and organic search. It’s important to understand why those pages are on the top. Review other nonprofits ads within your category. See how they are doing their ads. Pull some ideas from competitor.
It’s okay to borrow if you get stuck on your account creation. If you are having problems, use the Google Ads Grants Community Support (NOT THE GOOGLE ADS community). I do post to the Ad Grant support forum. I am always answering questions in terms of the account creation or account improvement, and this is the only way that you’re gonna get some solid information about your about your account creation or your Google ads account.
You can call Google ads support or speak with their chat, but they are not trained for Google Ads Grant, so you will get some very shady information from them. So just remember that determine if your nonprofit will be able to maintain the compliance or if you should use Google Ads Express (Google Smart Campaigns).
Final Thoughts For Nonprofits To Consider About The Google Ad Grant
- Is there anyone in your or your organization who’s will be able to dedicate the time weekly to manage this account? Or are you too strapped for time already or two short of staff?
- Determine what marketing goes you want to achieve with the Google ads grant and what key performance indicators are important to measure. You will need this information for goal setting and conversions.
- Understand Google Ad Grant Management options:
- Manage the account internally.
- Use Google Ads Online Marketing Challenge where Google Ads will pair your nonprofit with university students. They have no training and will learn on your account. You may risk account deactivation. The program only last one semester.
- Hire a freelancer, like ME!, to manage your account.
- Let an agency agency manage the account.
The management options are your choice. The person who manages the account must understand Google Ads and Google Ads Grant policies. Google Ad Grants compliance is in addition to regular Google Ad policies.
If you have any questions again, please feel free to put those questions on. Meet up.com and I will try to answer those. Either meet up.com or I will try toe answer those questions in the session in April, so our next session will focus on Google Analytics Analytics Conversion Tracking Google Ads Conversion tracking Google tax manager for conversion tracking. We’ll also focused on what our conversions and how to set up Google analytics and those conversion tracking. So I will explain. I would be more in depth about the Google Analytics analytics because it’s easier to set up than doing the tag manager or trying to get some Web developer to set up your Google conversion pixels. And that’s it. Thank you guys for watching my video. Have a good day.